Thursday, February 14, 2008

2. Perspectives on Web 2 or Whatever

I loved the video with Stephen Abram. He talked about making time if we want to and compared it with him finding the time to smoke during the day. (3 packs) That is a great comparison of how we can make time if we desire. The idea of learning through experience is true for me. It used to be called hands-on learning. He also said we need to reflect after learning, and that after learning new things there will be change and excitement. Sometimes unintended consequences will result because of this.

Since I love libraries, I will do anything that will help me to keep current with new technologies, and ways to communicate with other workers, teachers, and students. 23 Things sounds like a good way to achieve this.

I like the idea of using something like the Meebo Me-Contact Us Library Blog. We have talked about trying something like that at our library. We may be moving toward an Evergreen open source online card catalog which would be pretty exciting.

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