Monday, November 17, 2008

Reading in New Doorways

After reading the Dante Club,which is a book I would not have chosen in the past because it was very detailed and slow moving, I chose I book by Toni Morrison. I am enjoying this book called Tar Baby, and becoming drawn into it more and more even though it would not have appealed to me, because it is a language doorway. In between these two books that I usually would not have picked, I read a book by Janet Evanovich. That book didn't seem as enjoyable as her books have been in the past. Have I changed? I have a book by Louise Erdich that I plan to read next. I'm starting to think that I may have been using the wrong doorway in the past, and reading books that were given to me instead of thinking about the quality of the story. Many of the books were very predictable with characters showing very little depth. I am so glad that I attended the workshop with Linda Pearl.

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